Monday, October 14, 2019

COLUMBUS - Bharath

191013 -
Bharath Balemane
 is with Shwetha P Rao and Shiksha Columbus.
21 hrs
I met him on Facebook before meeting him in person but when I met him I felt like we met years ago. I felt so sad that he was here in Columbus last year with his Githa classes and I wasn’t even aware of that but then I realized that it’s the universe which works in it’s mysterious way and makes you meet with certain people at ripe time.
I met him for a video need for the upcoming temple in this town but looks to be this association will be for the rest of my life. Because of him I met so many in Columbus. A new world opened up for me from a person who was just visiting. A
Great to see a person selflessly imparting the knowledge. It requires lot of effort and time. You inspired a lot and I personally think we need lot more people like you in this world to make this world a beautiful place. Hope your life mission will make 1000s of Vivekanandas who would lead this world.
Salute Dr Sir Shiksha Columbus. Good bye till we meet again. Have a safe travel

  • Sarmistha Deymohori Nicely said Bharath👍
  • Shiksha Columbus your words reflect your heart -

    You are Kind and Loving my Brother Bharath Balemane

    You are the one blessed with the best mix -
    - Multi-skill
    - Wonderful world around with Shwetha P Rao and loving baby
    - Your Passion is your attitude

    I keep putting my formula
    Performance = Skill + Opportunity (Neighborhood) + Attitude

    You can do much higher and I love to see it OUT

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